Redevelopment, Feasibility, + Capital Planning

Redevelopment and adaptive reuse of a property, or properties, is one of the most exciting project areas for CANY. Blending the challenges of new construction and restoration, redevelopment, and adaptive reuse, of New York City’s distinctive building stock taps into our love for the city and keeps the historic fabric alive for future generations. It’s projects like these that flex our creativity and ability to plot a route through the challenges that inevitably occur to deliver the project within the budget available.

From the first broad strokes outlining the building enclosure project, our teams work with you to determine the redevelopment vision, program feasibility and budget management through capital planning. Ongoing dialogue is key to understanding what needs to be achieved.  

From those initial discussions, we drill into the details to establish schematics and a feasibility study to take it from the page to finished project. Equipped with almost three decades of experience, we understand buildings, how to release their potential, and reveal what needs addressing. And maybe uncover some hidden treasures.

Property ownership is a big responsibility, especially in New York City where strict local laws mitigate against carbon emissions and protect the buildings and everyone who interacts with them. CANY is renowned for its work in helping navigate and prioritize DOB expectations, working with all parties to accommodate compliance, timescales, disruption, and budgets.

Whether an individual project, or across large portfolios, we can help you plan and manage both required and desired works, establish what can be redeveloped prior to and after occupancy, ascertain contractor costs, and ultimately develop a masterplan for capital planning in line with anticipated duration of ownership.

If you are interested in learning more about this service, please contact Thomas Seminara, Chief Business Officer, at

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